Question for the week/month

What is the last book you read and what are your thoughts on the book???

Mine is the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins.  Once I got into the book, I could not stop reading.  We first only bought the first book but then by the time I was done with that one, I ran to Costco to get the second one that just came out.  I am now waiting for the third book (no idea when it will be released but I am hoping soon but it looks like 2011!)  And I just learned they are making a movie from the series.  For those of you that have not read the books, I don't want to say too much about them so you have the same experience reading them that I did.


  1. You're the third person to tell me about them this week! I heard they have quite the message like "1984" or "Brave New World"-ish.

    My current read: Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy. It's been on my lengthy list for years and I needed to get brave and study. Now that I'm here (not finished) I am loving it and don't know why I was so intimidated. You know, you get yourself all geared-up. But, Dickens broke me in so I feel at home with the brainy Russians:)

    Everyone that reads and loves educating themselves is a winner in my book. Good on ya!

  2. Reading The Hunger Games series on your recommendation. I agree that they are well done and fun to read. I also just finished Elantris by Branddon Sanderson, which I thought was pretty good, too.

  3. the last book I read was the Undaunted by Gerald N. Lund. Its the historical novel about the pioneers sent to settle the hole in the rock area of Utah.......and I dont mean the hole in the rock along the highway, this is a different hole in the rock where they actually blasted a hole in the rock to make a way for their wagons to go threw! It was a great read, all 812 pages! My physical therapist teased me saying I could do bicep curls with that book! It is big but a very inspirering,and enjoyable book to read. To see the miracles that happened and the caliber of people the Lord chose for this huge undertaking! Will have to go and check out the Hunger Gamesbook, thanks for the suggestion! Look forward to hearing more from you!

  4. Matt & I both read all the Fablehaven books. They were really fun. Because they are written for 10-14 year olds they are a quick read. Matt is also working on a number of political books right now.

  5. Another book I am reading now is the Standing On the Promise trilogy. It is about the black pioneers. Historical Fiction but most of it is taken from journals. It tells the journey of several of these pioneers - some were free and some were still slaves following their owners to Utah. I love Historical Fiction. Another great read like this is the Women of Genesis Series by Card and his Stone Tables about Moses.


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