
Showing posts from April, 2010

Finally Over!

So I got my calling about 3 weeks ago.  Last weekend everyone was entered into the computer with their VT assignments and Monday comes and I have to make changes.  I know that the changes will need to be made but I did not think so often. Last night I pulled off a conference that I had less then 3 weeks to plan for.  I think it went well and the sisters enjoyed themselves and learned a few new things on how to be better visting teachers.  I thought that I would have my house back after taking all the items for the conference last night - no way - I brought most of it back home with me since they still have not assigned a storage closet for the new ward.  So I get to have centerpieces and plates/cups/napkins/plasticware and whatnot at my house.  I also got the great job of washing the tablecloths that we borrowed from the Stake.  You may not think that is a big deal but the tablecloths come with 2 pages worth of instructions on how to wash and dry them plus how to apply the stain remo