Everyone knows it's Windy!

WOW!  That wind is blowing.  I had to take my wreath off the door so it would stop screeching on the window.  I am thinking if the mat had not been so wet, it would have blown away.  I can feel the windows rattle.  I guess I should be grateful that it is day time and not trying to sleep with that wind.  I can see the waves on the lake.  They say that the worst of it is yet to come this afternoon when the cold front comes in.

Conference has had some great talks.  Even Small Bugz was paying attention.  On one of the talks yesterday, I had to pause (yes, we tivo Conference) so I could hear his thoughts on the talk.  He went off for about five mins.  It is great to see that even when it looks like they are not paying attention, they are hearing everything.


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