
Showing posts from 2010

Christmas Letter

Greetings to all!   We hope this letter finds you well. We know you have been eagerly awaiting news of our exploits! Michael is still alive after another year.   He still travels for work – this year he traveled to Denmark and China among other places.   Michael is serving as a High Priest Group Instructor in our ward.   He helped coach Payton’s Flag Football team and plays Basketball with guys from work. April continues to serve a church service mission doing work at the Jordan River Distribution Center a couple of days a week.   April serves as the Visiting Teaching Coordinator in our ward.   She also is a co-room parent for Payton’s classroom – organizing parties and helping the teacher. Payton is in fifth grade. Payton has already finished the Weeblo from Scouts and is working on getting his Arrow of Light.   He tied for Vice President in his classroom for Student Council.   He played Flag Football this year. Still loves football, Legos, and anything else a ten year old boy

Seeing Past What It Seems

Since it is November and we are suppose to be thinking of all the things we are grateful for, I thought I would post this blog for people to read and to think of all the people in our lives that may not be wearing a sign to tell us what is going on but that they are showing us signs of what they are needing.  If we all can be a little nicer to each other, I really feel that this world would be a much better place - if the judgements would stop and we could see past the dust covers! Seeing past what it seems

Haute Look

I was just introduced to this site where you can get huge discounts on high end name brands.  If you log in (you just have to create an account that consists of your email address and a password) you will be able to see the prices.  They are hit and miss but sometimes there is something there that you have been looking for.  They only keep the deals for a few days and then they are gone.  Click below to get looking at the deals - clothing, food, cookbooks, furniture and so on.

Snickerdoodle muffins

These were so yummy that I had to share - if I would not make myself sick from eating them, I would eat all 12. Snickerdoodle muffins by Oopsey Daisy The only thing that would make them better would be to maybe put some of the topping mixture in the muffin.

Mongolian Dancers

When we moved to our new home last year, I got brave and we got involved with the city International Dance Festival.  Last year we hosted two dancers from Poland (boys).  It was their first experience with America. They said that we had big roads and cars here.  One of them spoke English so it was fairly easy to know what they needed to eat and whatnot. This year we hosted a dancer and a singer (girls) from the Inner Grasslands of Mongolia.  They have been a dance company for about 50 years but this is the first time they have come to America.  They have been in movies and on television as a company in China.  They even had to travel with a government official - let's see if you can find that official in the above photo. The group as a whole spoken no English other than Go, Home, Eat, Dance.  Google Translate became our best friend for the week but even that did not translate everything correctly and we had some blank stares trying to figure out what they were trying to say and

The End

Today we went to Small Bugz's cardio appointment.  He has had to go yearly for check ups since he had his surgeries.  Last year they found a spot that they wanted to keep an eye on.  This year they said that everything looks good and that there are no murmurs.  They told us to come back when he is 13!!  I may start to have withdraws from not going to so many specialist appointments for him.  I think we are now down to just the yearly check ups with the pediatrician. Last night, Small Bugz was awarded the Dragon Award.  It is a school award for kids that set a goal to work on a list of things (the goals are different for each grade).  The 4th graders had to do the standard things like not miss school more than 5 times a quarter or be tardy more than 2 times.  They also had their reading and exercise time too.  Then on top of that, they had to improve in their grades, do some power point presentations and book reports, plus do some outside projects, like scouting and service projec
Tomorrow Small Bugz is giving a talk in Primary.  We were given the topic but he wanted to know why it was not on Mothers since it is Mother's Day.  He got to choose if he gave a talk or read a scripture and he chose the talk - I was shocked. Here is is talk The Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel Lead Me to Jesus Following Jesus is important because he was the only person that was worthy to return to live with Heavenly Father. If we want to return to live with Heavenly Father, we need to be more like Jesus. Even though we are not perfect, the Atonement of Christ will help us as long as we try to be like Jesus. The principles and ordinances of the gospel teach us how to follow Jesus and to be more like him. The first principle of the gospel, faith, teaches us that we should learn about Jesus, believe the things he said, and try to do them. When we learn about Jesus and his teachings, we often find things about ourselves that are not like Jesus. When we try to change ou

Finally Over!

So I got my calling about 3 weeks ago.  Last weekend everyone was entered into the computer with their VT assignments and Monday comes and I have to make changes.  I know that the changes will need to be made but I did not think so often. Last night I pulled off a conference that I had less then 3 weeks to plan for.  I think it went well and the sisters enjoyed themselves and learned a few new things on how to be better visting teachers.  I thought that I would have my house back after taking all the items for the conference last night - no way - I brought most of it back home with me since they still have not assigned a storage closet for the new ward.  So I get to have centerpieces and plates/cups/napkins/plasticware and whatnot at my house.  I also got the great job of washing the tablecloths that we borrowed from the Stake.  You may not think that is a big deal but the tablecloths come with 2 pages worth of instructions on how to wash and dry them plus how to apply the stain remo

New calling

So I am the one with the new calling so far.  Big Bugz was more than happy to say that he would support me in the call as long as he is not getting one too.  I was called as Visting Teaching Coordinator.  In a brand new ward that is a lot of work at the very beginning.  I have the conference to put on in less than 3 weeks as well as work with the RS Pres. to assign all the routes.  I have had this calling before but that was back in college where everyone was in the same boat - going to school.  Now we have 1/4 of the ladies that are over 40 and most do not have kids at home anymore and then there are 1/2 that are in their 20s and either don't have kids, have a few or have tons, and then there are those that are in the middle or single.  Trying to assign people someone that will best fit their needs at this point is not an easy task.  Here's hoping I survive the next month of craziness!

Book Report

Small Bugz had a book report presentation today. It was done in the fashion of a wax museum.  It is was fun to see all the kids dressed up.  Small Bugz wanted to do a sports person, but those of you that know him well, know that he is obsessed with sports.  We made him choose something different.  He did Buzz Aldrin.  He was the only one that did something related to space and about the only boy that did not do sports - there were a few that did other things - Bach and Black Beard.  I was a proud mom! Presentation Video It is hard to hear him because of how loud the class was but there was no way around that since all the kids were doing their thing at the same time.

Mining Museum

We went to the   Western Mining Museum  while we were in Colorado.  Small Bugz had a great time learning about all the things that mining does. this is what the miners would use for their steam Then the miners were able to build bigger steam engines and this is one of them. The building was built around the wheel since it is so large.

Everyone matters

So I re-upped for another 6 months today - told them when they are asked by Mission people that they can say I want to extend.  I had a great experience today helping a man.  I could tell he was not okay and so I asked what he needed and had to go around the counter to help him find what he wanted.  As I was seeing what he needed, he apologized for his behavior but said he was 61 and had Parkinsons disease.  He had it bad -a lot of twitching and he could not get out what he wanted to say all the time.  He was wanting to get some things for his grandchild so they could work on church things together.  You could tell that he had a great spirit about him as he was really trying to bring the Spirit unto his home with the things he was wanting to do. It is sad to see people with those type of diseases.  They are all there in their heads/minds, but they cannot get the things out that they need to get out.  I bet they are frustrated and embarrassed when stuff happens.  My grandmother had Al


So my 6 month mission is coming to a close. I have the option to extend for another 6 months.  I have not fully decided to do this but then what else would I do?  I don't know if doing this 2 days a week is still allowing me to get the things done that I need to at home on the other days I am home. It has been a great opportunity for me to serve these people, especially the ones that are going to the temple for the first time.  I get to be part of that experience.  It has been fun to see. I have about a week or so to decide what I will do.

Split Again

Our huge ward (over 875) finally split today!  This will have been our 5th ward split in 8 years in 2 different cities.  We are land locked now so hopefully we will not go through another split for awhile.  We are in the new ward so that means that we are no longer ward missionaries.  They only called the Bishop this morning so he does not even have counselors at this point.  Who knows what our new assignments will be - the possibilities are endless.    It is always fun to be in the new ward, starting fresh, never knowing where we will end up nor who we will be able to work with and get to know.  I am excited to see where this adventure takes us.

6 month check up

I had my 6 month check up today.  They are lowering the meds from 3 to 2 pills.  My blood work all looks great.  My blood pressure is still low - 122/76 - last year at this time it was borderline high, I had been doing a spin class for about 7 months when I went in last Aug and was told I had lowered my blood pressure.  Someone said that it must be the exercise.  I was thinking it must be the fact that I no longer work with stressful, nasty people.  Well, today I had it confirmed, I have not been able to get in to my spin class in over 6 months and yet my blood pressure is still low.  It is funny how the Lord works and makes sure you get what you need - even if that means having you live in, what seems like at the time, horrible circumstances.  Then you are given that tiny thought that it is time to try something new and when that new thing comes along, how much better life seems - the tender mercies given at the right time to lift and support when we most need it.  It is all part of t

New Washer and Dryer

So we finally have been able to afford a new front loader washer and dryer!!  Thanks to our big, fat refund from taxes and the $150 rebate from the power and gas company for buying energy efficient machines.  I decided to get the pedestals so I don't have to bend over to get the clothes in.  It is a tight fit in the laundry room and the builders built the room with the washer hook ups on the wrong side of the room so the machines are backwards and the doors hit!  Boo to the builder on that one!! Since they are so tall, I cannot see behind to make sure the delivery guys hooked everything up right.  I turned on the washer and could not see any water but I could hear it.  I was worried until I read the manual that says, "Do not be alarmed if you do not see water, the clothes are getting the water that they need to be clean."  I guess I am so use to them soaking in the water that it is strange to see them dry in the washer. I delivery guy commented on how great the washer

Video of riding horse

For those of you who did not see the video of Small Bugs on the horse, here are some links to see them.


Small Bugz has been taking a course at school with RADkids (  He has learned many different techniques to escape any danger he may encounter. Here he is meeting the RedMan Learning it is okay to really kick him Starting the final course to graduate.  (The helmet was too big on him!  I got to play the "safe" person that they told after the "stranger" was trying to lure them.) Attacking "Bob" with peppering the eyes. click this link to see video His class after graduation.


We were in Costco the other day and decided to try out the Flatouts.  I love wraps, especially is someone else makes them.  They had recipes inside the pack so we tried some.  We made pizza on them one night and Small Bugz loved them!  He ate the whole thing and the calories were less than 300 ( would say more like 200) for the whole thing and it was filling.  Next time we may try the tomato and cream sauce instead of traditional pepperoni. Has anyone else tried anything fun with these Flatouts??  If so, what did you do?

$0.99 tater tots

Are people getting dumber or is it just me? So today we were on a mission to get a lot of errands run within a four hour period.  Every place we went to had some really not smart people.  (except Kohl's)  We are at Ikea and walking in the parking lot and there is this suburban backing up the whole length of the isle because he was too lazy to go around to park his vehicle in the loading zone.  He about hit two cars that were turning into the isle to park.  And he kept right on going not caring that those cars were there!  Then we are heading to the Apple store (Yes, Grace, I got a new computer - now I can actually use some of the new features that have come out in the last five or so years!)  We are at an intersection and two cars pull out into our lane so the car in front of us as well as us have to move over so we do not rear end them.  It was not like we were running a red light or anything and they could have waited as there were no more cars coming after us.  So we get to th

Mysterious Ways

So yesterday I was having one of those days.  You know the kind where you think that you are all alone.  You feel that you have no friends.  No one wants to do anything with you and you think that if you were to do something that you have no one to call in the first place to go do something with.  You just wonder why you are here on earth.  So as I walked out to get the mail, the girl I visit teach happens to be driving by (I personally think that she is one of the "popular" ones in the ward and everyone knows her and how sad that she has me for a visiting teacher, right?)  She actually stops and unrolls her window and says Hi to me.  Here I am thinking that no one even notices that I am alive and here is someone that stops just to say Hi - she wanted nothing else - just to wave Hi and drive on. Then today, I was still kind of feeling the same way and I had my mission service to do.  There were so many great and small things that happened today that if you did not sit and r

First Time Sledding

Small Bugz went sledding for the first time this past week.  He was really afraid to go until we made him get on with Big Bugz and pushed them down the hill.  He came back up and said how cool that was. This is at one of the parks by the house.  We did not stay long because it started to get crowded and it was very windy and cold!


Christmas was exciting this year for Small Bugz.  He got all the Legos he could handle (well, I am sure he could have handled more if we had gotten more!) This year it seemed kind of strange for Christmas.  I don't know if it was the fact that Small Bugz went to school right up to the 23rd or if it was the fact that I had all the shopping done and wrapped and under the tree at Thanksgiving.  We actually stuck to our budget this year.  It is much harder to get things when you have a budget to stick to that included the stocking items too. We started (I say started because we could not stand to watch more than 30 mins of it) to watch this crazy show called "What Would Jesus Buy?"  It is a documentary about this preacher guy who is over the Stop Shopping Church - yes, that is really the name of the church.  He had good points but the way he went about doing it was so wrong on so many levels!  He went into a Disney Store and started shouting that Disney was part of the