Christmas Greetings!

Greetings to all!  I hope your year has been filled with as many blessings as ours has.

Our biggest announcement for this year was that we were able to sell our house in Eagle Mountain and move to South Jordan.  We now live about a 10 minute walk from the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  We love the area we are in and have enjoyed the new opportunities we have been given

Big Bugz graduated this past August with his Masters in Education - Instructional Design.  He still travels for work.  Big Bugz is serving as the Ward Mission Leader in our church in a ward with over 750 members after splitting in March.

Momma Bugz is once again a stay at home mom.  Momma Bugz has been called on a church service mission doing work at the Jordan River Distribution Center a couple of days a week.  It is a great environment and there are some great ladies there.  Momma Bugz is a ward missionary in the church as well.

Small Bugz is in fourth grade.  He is attending a new school where they have year round schooling.  So he goes for nine weeks and has three weeks off.  He has already finished the Bear from Scouts and is working on getting his 3rd arrow until he can start working on Weeblos.  He had five teeth pulled to make room for the teeth trying to squeeze in, this summer. Still loves football, Legos, Transformers and any video game he can get his hands on.

May your Christmas season be joyous and we hope to hear from you.


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