Mongolian Dancers

When we moved to our new home last year, I got brave and we got involved with the city International Dance Festival.  Last year we hosted two dancers from Poland (boys).  It was their first experience with America. They said that we had big roads and cars here.  One of them spoke English so it was fairly easy to know what they needed to eat and whatnot.

This year we hosted a dancer and a singer (girls) from the Inner Grasslands of Mongolia.  They have been a dance company for about 50 years but this is the first time they have come to America.  They have been in movies and on television as a company in China.  They even had to travel with a government official - let's see if you can find that official in the above photo.

The group as a whole spoken no English other than Go, Home, Eat, Dance.  Google Translate became our best friend for the week but even that did not translate everything correctly and we had some blank stares trying to figure out what they were trying to say and they were confused as to what we were trying to say - our slang and phrases sometimes did not work.  

There are more photos of the dancers on this Deseret News article.  The guy dancers had costumes that resembled the Fire Nation from Avatar.  Small Bugz was all into that.


One of the guests that stayed with us was a singer and she sang an opera.
Nana singing
I think we ended up having more fun this year than last year.  We are still trying to figure out if it was that we had done the hosting before or if it was because we had girls or what.  I like that we can learn some of other countries and their cultures and what they think of Americans.


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