6 month check up

I had my 6 month check up today.  They are lowering the meds from 3 to 2 pills.  My blood work all looks great.  My blood pressure is still low - 122/76 - last year at this time it was borderline high, I had been doing a spin class for about 7 months when I went in last Aug and was told I had lowered my blood pressure.  Someone said that it must be the exercise.  I was thinking it must be the fact that I no longer work with stressful, nasty people.  Well, today I had it confirmed, I have not been able to get in to my spin class in over 6 months and yet my blood pressure is still low.  It is funny how the Lord works and makes sure you get what you need - even if that means having you live in, what seems like at the time, horrible circumstances.  Then you are given that tiny thought that it is time to try something new and when that new thing comes along, how much better life seems - the tender mercies given at the right time to lift and support when we most need it.  It is all part of the growth we need to endure to the end!


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