Where are your glasses?

So when the soccer clinic was over, I went to find Small Bugz.  I did not recognize him.  He did not have his glasses on that he has had since he was 18 months old.  I asked him in a very motherly tone, "Where are your glasses?"  He said, "They broke and I want contacts!"  He then told me that one of the ladies running the clinic had them.  I went to go find her.  This is what I got .......

I was glad that today was the yearly eye check up.  I knew we would not be without the correct prescription for long and thank goodness we had a backup pair from two years ago.  So after a two hour appointment plus an hour wait for eyes to dilate where we ran to get a flu shot at the other doctor office , we walked away $400 richer, I mean poorer.  Isn't having kids so much fun??


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